DiMo-NEXT’s vision is to achieve the NEXT level of Digital Motion by bringing togethertransdisciplinary expertise in behavioural psychology, motion data analytics, sustainable materials, and sensor technology under the application areas of sports, health and well-being.
The focus on a data-driven and human centred approach in combination with digital technologies such as personalized guidance, explainable AI and smart & sustainable materials contributes to facilitating behaviour change and ultimately improve the experience of physical activity, athletic performance and to overall well-being. The proposed synergistic concept would have no equal in Europe and is well-suited to become an internationally respected single-entry point for research and company partners in Europe in the field of digitalisation of sports, movement & well-being.
DiMo-NEXT’s vision is to achieve the NEXT level of Digital Motion by bringing together transdisciplinary expertise in behavioural psychology, motion data analytics, sustainable materials, and sensor technology under the application areas of sports, health and well-being. The focus on a data-driven and human centred approach in combination with digital technologies such as personalized guidance, explainable AI and smart & sustainable materials contributes to facilitating behaviour change and ultimately improve the experience of physical activity, athletic performance and to overall well-being. The proposed synergistic concept would have no equal in Europe and is well-suited to become an internationally respected single-entry point for research and company partners in Europe in the field of digitalisation of sports, movement & well-being.